Can we be serious for a second? I mean I know I’m new to this, but hear me out. Why was that first dude just shouting about a bird in the sky randomly?! I mean WTF?!
Back to housey/bloggy stuff now. One thing I thought would be really cool to do, since we are changing the footprint/roof/shape, would be to get a drone and do flyovers to watch as the house changes (this was in no way driven by the fact I wanted a drone, it was all for the aforementioned housey/bloggy stuff…. I promise).

I am not going to lie, flying a drone was not as easy as I had imagined. I managed to get it all set up and did a couple of test runs to get the hang of it before recording anything. Take that nerds! It takes a couple flights (and maybe a crash or two) to get the hang of it.

I know some of you see that photo and probably think of this though:

Eventually I got it all sorted. There was some confusion about not seeing the camera’s view on my phone while flying. Apparently, this is intentional as the connection between the camera and my phone can interfere with the connection between the drone and the remote control. So in order to not have your drone crash land and explode like a Tie Fighter after a slight love tap you have to forgo seeing what the camera is recording. Not ideal, but I didn’t have time to figure out a workaround. I know they exist, so maybe next time.

Take that nerds!
We were flying and ready to go!

Damn! The camera had got twerked (I blame Miley) out of position and was pointing up, which is less than ideal since I was flying it over the house.
Finally, I got the camera pointed correctly and could actually see the house. Win!

So I flew around for a bit trying some things out to get different views of the house. It was tricky as there are so many trees with branches over our yard and our neighbor’s. Once I got home and started looking at the videos, I realized I am not the smoothest (shocking I know) of pilots. I’ve taken some of the better footage and spliced it together into a fun little video seen below.
I’ll be doing more of these as the work progresses. It will definitely be cool to watch when they start on the back of the house.