So it’s been a few weeks since we posted an update. I know you have all been worrying and itchin’ for your next fix of the old Urban Farmhouse. Well here you go! Last post we talked about the grading that was done to make way for the new foundation. The week after that was all laying cement …

Can You Dig It?
Now that we have permit in hand and it has been relatively dry, work has actually begun (cue happy dancing). They starting out by moving a whole lot of dirt from the back of the house to the front. All the dirt was dug out so we could build the foundation for the extension and new …

Blast off in 4… 3…
2.5... 2.25... 2.1... That is certainly what it has felt like that last few weeks since our last update. Not much has changed to the actual house since our framing post, but that doesn't mean stuff hasn't been happening. We've been meeting with so many vendors I can't even remember them …